With no army, Iceland is recognized as the most peaceful country in the world.
Can you identify the person (real or fictitious) based upon the clue below?
I was mistaken for the Lady del Toboso, a seriously idealized version of womanhood.
Words from a tune of the past are below. All you have to do is give us the song title. Ready?
♫And a better dental plan than the FBI!♫
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the February 6, 2021 Puzzle Corner.
Just like a regular TRIVIA TIME question, except there are just two possible answers, hence the even odds of getting it right. Ready?
TRUE or FALSE: The eternal prisoner who’s always trying to escape the King’s Dungeon in The Wizard Of Id comic strip has a real name.
How many new words can you spell out of the letters in VALENTINE💕?
A, alien, alive, an, ant, at, ate
Eat, eave, even, evil
I, in, inn, inane, it
Lane, late, Latin, lean, leave, lei, lenient, lent, lie, lien, line, lint, live
Neat, nine, nit
Tan, tea, ten, teen, tile, tin, tine
Veil, vein, vent, vial, vile
More than the 44 listed above might be possible.
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