During the summer months a lot of people like to travel.
Others, for whatever reason(s), prefer to stay home and just kick back and relax.
Me? I'm in the last group because basically being a dog, I have no money to begin with.
Granted, I have a Dog License, but my people won't let me behind the wheel of their car to drive somewhere and the only time I ever am allowed in it is to go to the Vet so they can stick a thermometer some place it don't belong to take my temperature!
In any event, today's Sunday Funnies is all about vacations and traveling. Ready?
Wife: “You really have no sense of direction.”
Husband: “Where did that
come from?”
Wife: "You said we'd be at our destination three hours ago and all you did was get us lost."
Husband: "Men don't get lost. We just find alternate destinations."
As ye walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you should have used Google Maps.
Is it true that U-Haul has the worst drivers of any company?
If cars have to be road worthy, shouldn’t our roads be car worthy?
For families, going away isn’t really a vacation.
It's just looking after your kids in a different location.
“Hey Joe! I saw you on the other side of the museum yesterday.”
“Why didn’t you come over and say hello?”
“Too much history between us."
Did you know there are no Canaries on the Canary Islands?
Then why call it the Canary Islands?
If you ever study a map of Europe, the difference between Ireland and Iceland is one C.
When I'm on the road, I like to pretend I am a pirate of the Car-I-Be-In.
Sign on the road right after the posted speed limit:
If you get lost in the woods, erect a quick shelter.
Before long the Building Inspector will be by to make sure everything is up to code and the Property Tax man will show up to charge you.
And remember: One often meets destiny on the road you take to avoid it.
So on that note♫, have a great week.
Take care.
And please be back next weekend for more Sunday Funnies!—KC.