Sunday, October 6, 2024


Hello Everybody! Koda Canine here!

It's a beautiful bright sunshiny🌅 day and I'm out on my back porch just enjoying the warmth of the sun on my fur.
Of course, before I decided to lay out and relax, I dug up plenty of jokes to share with everyone. Ready?

 Reading while sunbathing will make you well red.

 Imagine how loud a centipede would be if they wore flip-flops!

Waitress: “I see your glass is empty. Would you like another?”
Customer: “Why would I want two empty glasses?” 

I’ve begun to invest in stocks. Beef, Chicken, Vegetable, Pork, Fish, Crab....
Someday I’ll be a Bullionaire!

A duck🦆, a skunk🦨 and a deer🦌 had dinner in a restaurant one night.
When it came time to pay, the skunk didn’t have a cent and the deer didn’t have a buck, so they ended up putting it on the duck’s bill. 

I told the doctor I thought I was a pair of curtains.
He told me to pull myself together.

My opinion of message boards?
I’m forum.

Why can’t cows🐄🐮 become detectives?
Because they refuse to go on steak outs.

There is only one thing that makes a good Pizza🍕 Joke: the delivery.

Irish toast🥂: "May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live."
French Toast: Bread, cinnamon, eggs, sugar...

What if there were no rhetorical questions?

And on that note♫, take care.
Have a great week and please be back next weekend for more Sunday Funnies!KC.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the new existentialist breakfast cereal? It is called Raisins D'etre.