The Infinity Sign is also known as a lemniscate.
With Presidents Day this Monday here in the United States, we present our annual Presidents Day Famous Firsts Quiz, with a couple of NEW questions in the mix. Ready?
Do you know who was the first President of the United States…?
01. To have previously served as Vice President?
02. To serve without a Vice President?
03. To hold the office as an Independent? (And yes, it has been done.)
04. To hold the office as a Democrat?
05. To hold the office as a Republican?
06. To be born in the United States after it became an independent country?
07. To not be born within the continental United States?
08. To be born in a hospital?
09. To physically live in the White House?
10. To work in the Oval Office? (The West Wing, where it resides, was a later addition.)
11. To marry while in office?
12. To remarry while in office?
13. To ever have his photograph taken?
14. To ever use a telephone?
15. To ever speak on radio?
16. To fly in an airplane?
17. To ever appear on television?
18. To ever make a coast to coast TV broadcast?
19. To not deliver the annual State of the Union address on time?
We’ll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the February 11, 2017 Puzzle Corner.
Who was the first woman to ever be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
Aretha Franklin.
Considering what February 14th is, how many new words can you spell from the letters in VALENTINE?
A, alien, alive, an, ant, at, ate
Eat, eave, even, evil
I, in, inn, inane, it
Lane, late, Latin, lean, leave, lei, lenient, lent, lie, line, lint, live
Neat, nine, nit
Tan, tea, ten, teen, tile, tin, tine
Veil, vein, vent, vial, vile
More than the 43 words listed above might be possible.
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