Elvis Luciano of the Toronto Blue Jays was the first Millennial to play baseball⚾ professionally.
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
How many of his movies did James Dean actually see released in his lifetime?
The clue to something is below, but no matter how long your answer is, each word within it must rhyme. Ready?
The (in)famous Hughes Aircraft.
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the March 6, 2021 Puzzle Corner.
March 10 was the 145TH anniversary of Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone. What was the first message ever heard over a telephone?🕿
“Mr. Watson, come here. I want you.”—Alexander Graham Bell.
Just like a regular TRIVIA TIME question, except there are just two possible answers, hence the even odds of getting it right. Ready?
TRUE or FALSE: The famous line “Beam me up Scotty,” was said during a Star Trek: The Original Series episode.
FALSE! While “Beam me up” sounds a lot better than “Transport”, the closest anyone ever came to that classic phrase was Captain Kirk requesting “Beam me up Mister Scott.”
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