Saturday, November 30, 2024


A friendly reminder. Being traditionalists, our Christmas🎄 themed puzzles will start next weekend.

Words from a tune of the past are below. All you have to do is give us the song title. Ready?
♫Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.♫

Just like a regular TRIVIA TIME question except there are only two possible answers, hence the even odds of getting it right. Ready?
TRUE or FALSE: You need a valid driver’s license to be a NASCAR racer.

We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the November 23, 2024 Puzzle Corner.

Since November 23 was Doctor Who Day, why does the Doctor’s TARDIS look like a Police Call Box?
Because of a faulty Chameleon Circuit, the otherwise amazing Time And Relative Dimensions In Space traveling device became stuck after assuming a shape to blend in on Earth upon landing in London, England before the first televised adventure: An Unearthly Child.

How many new words can you spell out of the letters in THANKSGIVING?
Out of the letters in the word THANKSGIVING, you can make the following words:
A, aging, ah, akin, an, angst, as, at,
Gag(s), gain(s), giant(s), gas, gat(s) <old 1930's slang for guns>, gig(s), gin(s), gist, git(s) <Hillbilly slang for scram>, giving
Hag(s), haggis <a Scottish delicacy>, hang(s), has, hat(s), having, hi <short form of "hello">, hiking, hint(s), hit(s)
I, ink(s), in(s), inn(s), is, it, its
Kin, king(s), kit(s), knight(s), knit(s)
Nag(s), nigh, night(s)
Sag, saint, sank, sat, saving, shag <a type of carpeting>, sight, sighting, sign, signing, sink, sinking, sin, shin, shining, sit, skin, skit, snag, snit, stag, staging, stain, staining, stank, sting, stinging, stink, stinking
Tag(s), tan(s), tank(s), than, thank(s), thin(s), thing(s), think(s), this, tin, vain, vat(s), visit, Viking(s), (AND) vista.
Other words besides the 117 above might be possible. But IV (the medical term) didn’t count because it’s an abbreviation. The Roman numerals II and IV are debatable, but the cuss word for human waste was not listed since this is a family oriented E-zine.

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