Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter everybody!

Our resident comedienne Ms. Waxy Dragon, and the person behind that Internet avatar, has the weekend off to celebrate the holiday with their family, so it's up to me to entertain you for a few paragraphs.
So since I do not know any Easter Bunny jokes, and I'm not about to make any religious based jokes, I thought I would dip into our vast archives once again and relate some classic Burma Shave poems!

For those either too young to remember or not that up on classic cultural references, Burma Shave signs could be found along the byways of the land up K to the early 1960s, when faster express routes started making such advertising obsolete.
Presented in groups of five, each set of signs featured four line poems of comedic verse, usually advertising the product line, alternating with serious driving safety tips. But the last line/sign of every message was the Burma Shave logo itself.

Examples of this classic poetry are:

At School Zone's B
Heed instructions
Help to save
Our tax deductions

If Wifie shuns
Your fond embrace
Don't hate the messenger
Feel your face!

Dinah didn't
Treat him right
But if he shaved

He tried to cross t
As the fast train neared u
Death didn't draft him
He volunteered

We'll be back next weekend with our regularly scheduled Sunday Funnies.
And don't forget: August 2nd is the first annual (Inter)National "Don't Worry" Day!

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