An iguana can stay underwater for up to 28 minutes.
AKA, Also Known As
By what more familiar name do we know Ponce de Leon Montgomery County Alabama Georgia Beauregard Possum?
February 17 marks the 85th wedding anniversary of Dagwood Bumstead to Blondie, but what was the bride’s maiden name?
We’ll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the February 3, 2018 Puzzle Corner.

The items in each subset below have something in common.
Do you know what it is?
01. {driver’s license, visa} = IDs
02. {feat, title} = deed
Two separate things have at least one word in common, and so can be combined to form something new. Based upon the clue below, do you know what the new thing is?
A Stephen Bochco-Dick Wolf team up.
L. A. Law and Order
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