Dragonflies have 6 legs but can’t walk!
What are you suffering from if you have Koumpounophobia?
The clue to something is below, but no matter how long your answer is, each word within it must rhyme. Ready?
Pool house fruit.
We’ll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the April 20, 2019 Puzzle Corner.
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
How many episodes, if any, of The Simpsons have been pulled from syndication?
2, to date.
“Stark Raving Dad” from Season 3, due to the controversy surrounding Michael Jackson and Season 9’s opening episode “The City of New York versus Homer Simpson” because it prominently featured the World Trade Center and was made/aired before September 11, 2001. Both episodes are still available on the original releases of their respective DVDs.
How many new words can you make out of the letters in the word EASTER?
A, are, arse, art(s), as, Aster (type of flower), at, ate
Ear(s), east, eat(s)
Rat(s), rest, reseat, reset
Sat, sea, sear, seat, see, seer, set, star, star, stare, steer
Tar(s), tare(s), tea(s), tear(s), tease, teaser, tee(s), terse
More than the 43 listed above might be possible.
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