Antarctica experiences no sun rises🌅 in winter nor sun sets🌄 in summer!

The items in each subset below have something in common. Do you know what it is?
01. {Mighty, Mickey}
02. {Cycle, Mouth}
What was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel?
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the March 14, 2020 Puzzle Corner.
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
How many opening moves are available to a checkers player?
7, since checkers only move one square at at time diagonally unless jumping over/capturing an enemy piece.
How many new words can you make out of the letters in the word SHAMROCK?🍀
A, ah, am, arc(s), ark(s), arm(s), as, ash
Cam(s), car(s), cash, char(s), charm(s), chaos, chasm, cram(s), crash, croak(s)
Hack(s), ham(s), harm(s), has
Mach, mack, march, mar(s), marsh, mash, mock(s)
Oak(s), oar(s), oh, or
Rack(s), rah (which is an old cheer word), ram(s), rash, roach, roam(s), rock(s)
Sack, scam, scar, scram, sham, shack, shark, shock, soak, soar
More than the 70 listed above might be possible.
Antarctica experiences no sun rises🌅 in winter nor sun sets🌄 in summer!

The items in each subset below have something in common. Do you know what it is?
01. {Mighty, Mickey}
02. {Cycle, Mouth}
What was F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first novel?
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the March 14, 2020 Puzzle Corner.
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
How many opening moves are available to a checkers player?
7, since checkers only move one square at at time diagonally unless jumping over/capturing an enemy piece.
How many new words can you make out of the letters in the word SHAMROCK?🍀
A, ah, am, arc(s), ark(s), arm(s), as, ash
Cam(s), car(s), cash, char(s), charm(s), chaos, chasm, cram(s), crash, croak(s)
Hack(s), ham(s), harm(s), has
Mach, mack, march, mar(s), marsh, mash, mock(s)
Oak(s), oar(s), oh, or
Rack(s), rah (which is an old cheer word), ram(s), rash, roach, roam(s), rock(s)
Sack, scam, scar, scram, sham, shack, shark, shock, soak, soar
More than the 70 listed above might be possible.
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