Sunday, December 1, 2024


 Hello Everybody! The Free Choice E-zine's Editor-In-Chief Lee Houston, Junior here because your regular Sunday Funnies hosts Piper D. Katt and Koda Canine are finishing up the Thanksgiving holiday weekend with their friends and families.

WAIT! DON'T GO! I've got jokes!

Have you ever wondered about life?
Douglas Adams famously theorized that the secret of Life, The Universe and Everything was 42. Then again some people within his works thought that was the answer to what you got when multiplying 6 by 9.
Yet while life has its ups and downs like a rollercoaster, you've got to take the good with the bad because while not every moment of every day may be good, being alive is definitely better than anything else you can think of.

I've been around for 62+ years so far. Not every moment was a good one but at least I'm still here to enjoy the next years the best I can.

In school, I didn't know too many people crazy about math, but let one paycheck look peculiar and suddenly everyone is breaking out their calculators and remembering all their old algebra and calculus lessons.

To achieve great things in life, two things are needed.
A plan and enough time to see it through. 
Most people either have one or the other.
Having both is truly a miracle.
Nothing happens overnight but if you quit, it won’t happen at all. 

There is more to life than getting up in the morning, going to work, surviving the day and then coming home to rest before starting the whole cycle all over again the next morning.
Yet you know you are getting older when you look at the clock in the middle of whatever you're doing to see if it's time to go to bed and you know you've been at your job for a mighty long time when the new workers at the office start looking like your grandchildren.

 Am I getting older, or are the stores finally playing good music over their PA Systems?

When asked if my cup is half empty or half full, my only response is that I am thankful to have a cup.

So what is the secret to succeeding in life?
We enter life with an inhale and leave life with an exhale but in between, we live for those moments that take our breath away.

And remember to engage your brain before starting the mouth.

So on that note♫, take care.
Have a great week and please be back next weekend when Piper and Koda return to duty for more Sunday Funnies!lh,jr, who's wondering when did everyone sneak out on him. 😕

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