Saturday, December 6, 2014


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is one of four animated specials that has been on television EVERY Christmas season since its debut!
The other three are A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and Frosty the Snowman.

Hello and welcome to the first Puzzle Corner of the 2014 Christmas season, as we celebrate the multiple anniversaries of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with a special quiz.

Original ad for first airing, image via Wikipedia
01. When did Rudolph first appear, making 2014 a major anniversary milestone?
02. Although he has far outlasted the business, what retailer was Rudolph originally created for, and by whom?
03. The classic song came AFTER the event covered in questions 1 and 2, but BEFORE the TV special. When was it written, allowing Rudolph to celebrate yet another anniversary this year?
04. Who wrote the Rudolph song, and who was the very first artist to record it?
05. When did the TV special first air, making 2014 yet another major anniversary for Rudolph?
06. Everyone knows what network Rudolph has aired on since the early 1970s, but who originally debuted the special?
07. Who are Rudolph's parents?
08. True or False: Sam the Snowman and Rudolph meet during the course of the TV special.
09. When shown with one, what is Sam the Snowman's musical instrument of choice?
10. Besides the obvious edition of more commercials over the years, how has every showing of Rudolph on TV differed from the very first one?

We'll reveal all next weekend. But for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from our November 29th, 2014 Puzzle Corner.

The items in each subset have something in common.
Do you know what it is?

01. {John Wayne, Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, Wayne Gretzky}
ALL were newspaper carriers as children before they became famous.
02. {Morocco, France, Spain} and yes, we know they're all countries.
But they're all countries with coastlines bordering both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

What is the difference between a gaggle and a skein when discussing geese?
A gaggle is a group of geese on the ground, while a skein of geese are in the air.

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