It takes 40 gallons of Maple🍁 Tree Sap to make 1 gallon of Maple Syrup.
The clue to something is below, but no matter how long your answer is, each word within it must rhyme. Ready?
🐴Horse Feed?
The items in each subset below have something in common. Do you know what it is?
01. {Dolly Parton, Whitney Houston} and yes we know they are both singing actresses.
02. {Hawaiian, Sicilian}
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the April 13, 2024 Puzzle Corner.
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
What is the minimum number of pitches in the average Major League Baseball⚾ game?
162. Three Strikes per Out multiplied by three Outs per half inning, multiplied by nine innings and then doubled to account for both teams. Yet 162 would result in a 0-0 shutout tie with no one ever getting on base at the end of regulation play, sending the game into extra innings
Something familiar is represented in the image below. Do you know what it is?
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