Monday, May 27, 2024



Once again it is Memorial Day in the United States of America.
I have written several of these editorials since The Free Choice E-zine started in 2008.

Last year's was one of the hardest.

While those who serve within the respective branches of any country's military, let alone the police and fire departments, expect and are prepared for danger, that doesn't mean the innocent bystanders that are served and protected to the best abilities of our men and women in uniform are.

America, let alone the world itself, is far from perfect.
The current situations in the Ukraine and the Middle East prove that, let alone all the "saber rattling" other countries are doing.

Although World Peace is unfortunately still a long way off from having any chance of being achieved, the United States Congress needs to take further action on creating additional gun responsibility than it has already managed to because the next time a major "reign of terror" event happens the survivors, let alone their families, will need more than "Thoughts and Prayers" to see them through!

Even after last year's Memorial Day editorial addressing this issue, there are still too many broken hearts and empty beds within this country as it is.


Lee Houston, Junior
Editor-In-Chief: The Free Choice E-zine
All links were active at the time of posting.
*Denotes 2/TWO separate links within that sentence.

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