Crossword Puzzle editor Will Shortz is the only person, to date, with a degree in Enigmatology: the study of puzzles.
All you have to do is what the title says, literally fill in the blanks to acquire the answer. The given letters are all shown, none of those are missing. Ready?
PERSON: A_ _E_ _ E_ _ _ _ E _ _.
What vegetable has the least calories?
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the May 25, 2024 Puzzle Corner.
Words from a tune of the past are below. All you have to do is give us the song title. Ready?
♫Two little kings playing a game. They gave a war and nobody came.♫ = “Zor and Zam” by The Monkees.
How many new words can you spell out of the letters in MEMORIAL?
A, aero, ail, aim, air, ale, alm, am, ammo, are, arm
Ear, elm, em (a printer's measure), Emir, era
I, ire
Lair, lea, leo, liar, lie, lime
Ma, mail, male, mar, mar, me, meal, memo, mil (wire thickness), mile, mime, mire, mole, moral, morale, more
Oar, oil, oiler, ole, or, ore
Rail, ram, real, realm, ream, rile, rim, (and) rime.
More besides the 54 listed above might be possible.
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