Okay everyone, it's the first day of Spring and the new puzzles are in bloom!
The M in M*A*S*H stands for Mobile (Army Surgical Hospital). When a M*A*S*H unit was forced to move due to enemy action, it was called a Bug Out. Your question is: how many Bug Outs were during the command of Lt. Col. Henry Blake (McClain Stevenson) during the first three seasons of the TV show?
Another new feature to THE PUZZLE CORNER. In this game, a famous quote will be posted and you have to know "Who Said It?" Ready?
"By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth."
The results will appear next weekend.
And now, let's peek into THE ANSWERS BOX for the results from our Daylight Saving Time themed Puzzle Corner last weekend.
Many people attribute Benjamin Franklin with originating the concept of Daylight Saving Time, but it was actually the idea of New Zealand entomologist George Vernon Hudson.
The following words can all be formed using just the letters in the word DAYLIGHT: A, Ad, Ah, At, Daily, Dial, Dig, Gal, Gay, Gait, Ha, Had, Hag, Hail, Halt, Hay, Hi, Hid, Hit, Id, It, Lad, Lag, Lay, Laid, Lid, Lit, Tad, Tag, and Tail. Other words than the 30 listed might be possible.
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