Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise over the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic Ocean!
The items in each subset have something in common.
Do you know what it is?
01. {Basketball, volleyball, racquetball} and the answer is not sports.
02. {Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland} and the answer is not actresses.
Just like a regular TRIVIA TIME question, but there are only two possible answers, hence the even odds of getting it right. Ready?
Is Hexadactylism life threatening?
We'll reveal all next weekend. But for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results of the January 2, 2016 Puzzle Corner.
AKA (Also Known As)
By what name do we know John Joseph Patrick Ryan better as?
Actor Jack Lord.
How many new words can you create, using the letters in the term NEW YEAR?
A, an, any, are, awe, aye
Ear, earn, ewe, eye
Nay, nee, near
Ran, raw, ray, renew
War, ware, warn, way, wean, wear, weary, were, wren
Yarn, yaw, yawn, yea, yearn
New and Year don’t count because they were part of the original phrase. Other words than the 31 listed above might be possible.
Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise over the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic Ocean!
The items in each subset have something in common.
Do you know what it is?
01. {Basketball, volleyball, racquetball} and the answer is not sports.
02. {Joan Fontaine, Olivia de Havilland} and the answer is not actresses.
Just like a regular TRIVIA TIME question, but there are only two possible answers, hence the even odds of getting it right. Ready?
Is Hexadactylism life threatening?
We'll reveal all next weekend. But for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results of the January 2, 2016 Puzzle Corner.
AKA (Also Known As)
By what name do we know John Joseph Patrick Ryan better as?
Actor Jack Lord.
How many new words can you create, using the letters in the term NEW YEAR?
A, an, any, are, awe, aye
Ear, earn, ewe, eye
Nay, nee, near
Ran, raw, ray, renew
War, ware, warn, way, wean, wear, weary, were, wren
Yarn, yaw, yawn, yea, yearn
New and Year don’t count because they were part of the original phrase. Other words than the 31 listed above might be possible.
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