Sunday, January 15, 2017


LONG memory
Hello Everybody! Autumn the Puppy here with my first Sunday Funnies of 2017.
Where has the time gone?
Seems just like yesterday I started working here.
Actually, it was probably the day before, but anyway, lot of good memories here.

A fax machine
The times they are a changing and may you live in interesting times are two classic fortune cookie sayings, and a nice set up for me to look back at some things of the past.

Remember fax machines???
After the Telex (and that's going WAY back), they were the quickest way to send hard copies of documents over the phone lines before the Internet was developed.
Of course, that was provided you didn't mind tying up your phone line and you didn't run out of toner and paper from all the spam messages you received before the important stuff was actually sent!

Remember when you gave your kids or grandchildren money to buy themselves a gift?
True, you did it because either they were far away or you didn't know what to get them to begin with.
Nowadays, it's got to be either store gift cards, direct deposit, or "Pay Pal".
Isn't it supposed to be the thought that counts?

Facebook, Twitter, texting, e-mails.
Remember when people actually TALKED to each other?

Remember when the concept of color television was just wishful thinking?
Now we have TV sets as big as oil paintings hanging on our walls, but what happened to the art?

And on that note, have a great week everybody and please be back here again next weekend for more Sunday Funnies!—AtP.

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