Carbon nanotubes are 50,000 times thinner than a human hair but 200 times stronger that steel!
For decades the Disney Studios refused to make sequels to their animated movies, but when they finally started doing so, what was the first?
Get ready! We ask the question, but the answer is just a number.
What is the combined total of moons Mercury and Venus have?
We’ll reveal all next weekend but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX📦 and discover the results from the November 20, 2021 Puzzle Corner.
What is Mrs. Dagwood Bumstead’s full maiden name?
Blondie Boopadoop.
How many new words can you make out of the letters in THANKSGIVING?
A, aging, ah, akin, an, angst, as, at,
Gag(s), gain(s), giant(s), gas, gat(s) <old 1930's slang for guns>, gig(s), gin(s), gist, git(s) <Hillbilly slang for scram/get>, giving
Hag(s), haggis <a Scottish delicacy>, hang(s), has, hat(s), having, hi <short form of "hello">, hiking, hint(s), hit(s)
I, ink(s), in(s), inn(s), is, it, its
Kin, king(s), kit(s), knight(s), knit(s)
Nag(s), nigh, night(s)
Sag, saint, sank, sat, saving, shag <a type of carpeting>, sight, sighting, sign, signing, sink, sinking, sin, shin, shining, sit, skin, skit, snag, snit, stag, staging, stain, staining, stank, sting, stinging, stink, stinking
Tag(s), tan(s), tank(s), than, thank(s), thin(s), thing(s), think(s), this, tin, vain, vat(s), visit, Viking(s), (AND) vista.
Other words besides the 117 above might be possible. But IV (the medical term) didn’t count because it’s an abbreviation. The Roman numerals II and IV are debatable, but the cuss word for human waste was not listed since this is a family oriented E-zine.
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