Sunday, December 20, 2009


Hello Everybody! Ms. Waxy Dragon here!

With Christmas fast approaching, I'm real busy around my dragon lair getting ready for the holiday: hanging the tree, stringing the tinsel, tossing the ornaments, setting the lights, or whatever it is I'm supposed to be doing with all this stuff.
But in any event, one thing I really look forward to is all the Christmas goodies!
Cakes, puddings, candy canes, cookies... Oh yummy! Yummy!
Yet it is a lot more fun to eat all the goodies than bake them, or so I thought until I saw these photos where one of our four legged friends decided to lend a paw and help out.

This puppy really got into its work!
Images supplied by reader Ann Lopez. And if you would like to contribute any images, jokes, etc.; just send them to our Editor-In-Chief Lee Houston, Junior at
Meanwhile, I'll see you next weekend with an extra special Christmas edition of the Sunday Funnies! - wd.

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