Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Okay, I freely admit that it's shameless plug time once again, but I wouldn't be doing these if I didn't think they were worth if, even if I wasn't personally involved.
This month, Peculiar Adventures third issue is now available from both Pro Se Productions (http://www.proseproductions.com/) and Lulu (http://www.lulu.com/) in either print or downloadable e-copy.
Behind the painted cover by David Burton of the Sovereign City cast, you will find more pulse pounding pulp adventure than you can shake a stick at. With stories of
Doc Daye and Lazarus Gray in Sovereign City by Tommy Hancock and Barry Reese respectively; along with:
Hairy Khetar and the Philosophers' Stones by Teel James Glenn, The Cerebus Clan must stop a "Prison Break" with Ken Janssens' help, a special preview of Bobby Nash's new book With Evil Intent, "Demolition" by Kevin Rodgers, "Razor Eater and the Rattle Bones" by Joshua Reynolds, Peculiar Oddfellow must face "The Gauntlet of Years" by Tommy Hancock; What Is The Fate Of Gary Wooten? by Fuller Bumpers and John Palmer IV; and in my own series Wylde World, the heroes must take "The First Steps" to escape death.
What more could a pulp fan, adventure lover, or avid reader want?
Available now from either of the websites listed above.

1 comment:

BobbyNash said...

Thanks for spreading the word, Lee.
