111, 111, 111 multiplied by 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321!
Being traditionalists, our Christmas themed puzzles will not begin until December. But let's enjoy these enigmas in the meantime.

Who was the very first celebrity guest on Sesame Street?
(Hint: the program debuted in 1969)
What is Dora the Explorer's actual last name?
We'll reveal all next weekend. But for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the November 21, 2015 Puzzle Corner.
How many new words can you form out of the letters in the word THANKSGIVING?

A, aging, ah, akin, an, angst, as, at
Gag(s), gain(s), giant(s), gas, gat(s) <old 1930's slang for guns>, gig(s), gin(s), gist, git(s) <Hillbilly slang for scram/get>, giving
Hag(s), haggis <a Scottish delicacy>, hang(s), has, hat(s), having, hi <short form of "hello">, hiking, hint(s), hit(s)
I, ink(s), in(s), inn(s), is, it, its
Kin, king(s), kit(s), knight(s), knit(s)
Nag(s), nigh, night(s)
Sag, saint, sank, sat, saving, shag <a type of carpeting>, sight, sighting, sign, signing, sink, sinking, sin, shin, shining, sit, skin, skit, snag, snit, stag, staging, stain, staining, stank, sting, stinging, stink, stinking
Tag(s), tan(s), tank(s), than, thank(s), thin(s), thing(s), think(s), this, tin
Vain, vat(s), visit, Viking(s), (AND) vista.
Other words besides the 117 above might be possible. But IV (the medical term) didn’t count because it’s an abbreviation. The Roman numerals II and IV are debatable, but the cuss word for human waste was not listed since this is a family oriented E-zine.
If April Showers bring May flowers, then what do May flowers bring?
111, 111, 111 multiplied by 111, 111, 111 = 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321!
Being traditionalists, our Christmas themed puzzles will not begin until December. But let's enjoy these enigmas in the meantime.

Who was the very first celebrity guest on Sesame Street?
(Hint: the program debuted in 1969)
What is Dora the Explorer's actual last name?
We'll reveal all next weekend. But for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the November 21, 2015 Puzzle Corner.
How many new words can you form out of the letters in the word THANKSGIVING?

A, aging, ah, akin, an, angst, as, at
Gag(s), gain(s), giant(s), gas, gat(s) <old 1930's slang for guns>, gig(s), gin(s), gist, git(s) <Hillbilly slang for scram/get>, giving
Hag(s), haggis <a Scottish delicacy>, hang(s), has, hat(s), having, hi <short form of "hello">, hiking, hint(s), hit(s)
I, ink(s), in(s), inn(s), is, it, its
Kin, king(s), kit(s), knight(s), knit(s)
Nag(s), nigh, night(s)
Sag, saint, sank, sat, saving, shag <a type of carpeting>, sight, sighting, sign, signing, sink, sinking, sin, shin, shining, sit, skin, skit, snag, snit, stag, staging, stain, staining, stank, sting, stinging, stink, stinking
Tag(s), tan(s), tank(s), than, thank(s), thin(s), thing(s), think(s), this, tin
Vain, vat(s), visit, Viking(s), (AND) vista.
Other words besides the 117 above might be possible. But IV (the medical term) didn’t count because it’s an abbreviation. The Roman numerals II and IV are debatable, but the cuss word for human waste was not listed since this is a family oriented E-zine.
If April Showers bring May flowers, then what do May flowers bring?
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