Giraffes and some reptiles are able to lick their own eyeballs.

What is the Identification Number of the very first U.S.S. Enterprise on Star Trek that could separate the saucer section from the rest of the ship?
Two separate things have at least one word in common, so can be combined to form something new.
Based upon the clue below, do you know what the new thing is?
Cyndi Lauper’s fairy tale opening?
We’ll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the July 1, 2017 Puzzle Corner.
Everyone knows July 4 is when America celebrates its Independence Day, but when did the country actually declare independence?
July 2, 1776. July 4 is when the Declaration of Independence was officially approved, although the document is not actually called that.
A famous line from something is misquoted below. All you have to do is give us the correct line, if you know it. Ready?
Giraffes and some reptiles are able to lick their own eyeballs.

What is the Identification Number of the very first U.S.S. Enterprise on Star Trek that could separate the saucer section from the rest of the ship?
Two separate things have at least one word in common, so can be combined to form something new.
Based upon the clue below, do you know what the new thing is?
Cyndi Lauper’s fairy tale opening?
We’ll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let’s open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results from the July 1, 2017 Puzzle Corner.
Everyone knows July 4 is when America celebrates its Independence Day, but when did the country actually declare independence?
July 2, 1776. July 4 is when the Declaration of Independence was officially approved, although the document is not actually called that.
A famous line from something is misquoted below. All you have to do is give us the correct line, if you know it. Ready?
Rock the cat box!
The correct line is ♫Rock the casbah♫ from The Clash song of the same title.
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