Sunday, August 11, 2019


The following is an editorial.

This Thursday, August 15, marks the 50th anniversary of the original Woodstock Music Festival!

Since there appears to be no official celebration of this historic event, The Free Choice E-zine has humbly suggested we can have our own "party" that day.

Whether you were an entertainer, an attendee, someone working at the event, or (like me) too young to even fully grasp what was happening back then...
All you have to do on August 15 is just Tweet, Instagram, Facebook, blog, or whatever to help celebrate by sharing and reliving the moment with others.
That isn't too much to ask, is it?

By all accounts it was a magical time, the likes of which will probably never be seen again.
Human beings set foot on the moon that same year, so why can't this be remembered too?


The above was an editorial.
All links were active at the time of posting.

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