Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Dear Free Choice E-zine Readers:

Afraid I will be away from my computer and this E-zine for awhile as I enter the hospital for another heart operation.

Back in early 2007 I was rushed into the Emergency Room and stayed for almost a month because of an aortic aneurysm.

Part of the procedure was receiving a new heart valve. I've gotten 14 good years out of it but for some reason the part is starting to develop calcium deposits and needs to be replaced with a new and better model before the problem becomes a life threatening situation.

I will be gone roughly a week to ten days.

Then I will be back home on personal recovery for at least 4-6 weeks afterwards in between Doctor's appointments.

Once the pain killers are out of my system and I can sit and think coherently again, I WILL be back at my computer taking care of this E-zine!

Until then...

Take care and STAY SAFE!😷

Lee Houston, Junior

Editor-In-Chief, The Free Choice E-zine

October 12, 2021

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