Friday, October 22, 2021


Dear Free Choice E-zine Readers:

Am home from the local hospital and on the (long) road to recovery.
Despite the odds being much more in my favor for the recently experienced artificial heart valve replacement procedure, compared to the aortic aneurysm back in 2007 that (among other things) implanted the valve that now needed replacing, I won't deny being scared.

This is the third time (besides the two operations above, Congestive Heart Failure back in 2003) that I have come directly face to face with my own mortality.
I will spare you all the personal details, suffice to say that while all three were not events I would have willingly experienced nor looked forward to, they all needed to be faced and dealt with so I am VERY happy to still be among the living!

But while it takes me time to get up and functioning in the morning, as well as dealing with the still consistent post-operation pain from having my chest cut open and my ribs spread apart wide enough for the cardiac surgeon to operate, The Free Choice E-Zine is preparing to resume operations.

October 23 will see the return of both The Puzzle Corner (including the answers to the October 9 edition, the last one published before my hospitalization) and The Week In Review, covering the news of October 17-23, 2021.
Then The Sunday Funnies will resume the next day with the October 24 edition.

This E-zine is basically a one man operation, so I thank everyone for their kindness, understanding, patience and concerns while I was away.

Lee Houston, Junior
Editor-In-Chief: The Free Choice E-Zine
October 22, 2021

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