Thursday, April 15, 2010


In America, today is the deadline for filing your tax returns.
As long as it is done by 11:59.59 tonight, there will be no interests or penalties.

Meanwhile, Tea Partiers and other groups will be rallying to comment upon things; as is their right under the First Amendment under this country's Constitution.

It should be pointed out however, that while said groups are protesting what they perceive to be a higher involvement of the United States government into what they consider private matters, a lot of the events that led to the current status of our domestic economy and other things occurred in a time of deregulation, where banks and others were practically free to do almost anything they wanted to.

And if you think you allegedly pay too much income tax, please note that everyone does. Although his current job pays him a fixed yearly salary, President Barack Obama earned $5.5 million from renewed interest (since he won the election in 2008) in his books: The Audacity of Hope and Dreams From My Father, and paid over $1.8 million in federal income taxes, and over $160,000 in Illinois state income taxes; according to the Associated Press.

More on this and other stories as things develop during this Saturday's WEEK IN REVIEW post.

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