An Editorial.
From time to time there are news articles that make one stop and think about the shape of the world around you.
Instead of keeping these items within our WEEK IN REVIEW feature, The Free Choice E-zine has decided to (when necessary) start spotlighting these events and give them the more detailed focus they deserve.
To wit...
*Steven Slater
By now everyone has heard the story of how the former Jet Blue flight attendant told off an annoying passenger and quit his job. There has been plenty of commentary on both sides of the issue, from the common working stiffs who have established a Slater support page on Facebook to Donald Trump weighing in on Slater's actions setting a bad precedent that needs to be nipped in the bud.
Our opinion?
While we have all had annoying situations within our lives and The Free Choice E-zine can agree with Steven Slater's personal position, we cannot support his actual reaction to the situation, especially not the activation of the plane's emergency evacuation chute to leave sooner.
However: just because a person works for a living, that does not give the people he or she interacts with during the course of their day, whether they be fellow employees, customers, or management; the right to mistreat a person trying to do their job the best they can.
*Additional insurance for 9-11 responders?
In the hours and days that followed the fateful attack upon the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; fire fighters, police, medical personnel, and even the survivors of this event faced situations unparalleled in America's history.
Now, as a consequence of those days, these people have developed or are fighting medical problems that their normal health insurance is either incapable or unwilling to deal with.
But requests to legislatures for additional coverage have been denied thus far.
Our opinion?
Regardless of whether they were a victim or trying to help others, there is no question that these brave men and women performed acts of Herculean proportion during the hours and days that followed and are suffering additional health problems now.
Why this matter even has to be debated is beyond the belief of this E-zine's staff.
*A Mosque at Ground Zero?
There is a movement afoot in New York City to have a Mosque established near "Ground Zero", the site of the former twin towers of the World Trade Center.
Those who want to open the facility hope to put the past aside and peacefully show that not everybody who practices that religion supports terrorist groups like those behind the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Meanwhile, you can imagine how others feel, especially those who lost loved ones during the inhuman attacks that fateful day.
Our opinion?
United States President Barack Obama has said: "A nation built upon religious freedom must allow it."
Our forefathers came here long ago and founded what is now the United States of America in hopes of finding the chance to practice the religion of their choice free from persecution.
Can we do no less to those seeking the same right today?
As usual, the above is just our collective opinions upon the subjects discussed. Yours may vary, and according to the First Amendment to this country's Constitution, you are entitled to them.
But if you care to share, comments can be left directly on this site or sent to our Editor-In-Chief at
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