Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hello Everybody! Autumn the Puppy here.
Now, Valentine's Day is this Saturday, February 14th; so between that and the fact it's time to do my monthly celebrity spotlight post...

circa 1936
"If you can believe it, Hollywood wanted to change my birth date. I was born February 15th, and they thought a Latin lover should be born on Valentine's Day. Naturally, I said no."
Actor Cesar Romero (1907-1994)
I understand where you're coming from Mister Romero. I thought about posting this column next Sunday, but that would be the day after Valentine's Day. Besides, honesty is the best policy.

"Oh, if it be to choose and call thee mine,
Love, thou art every day my Valentine!"
Poet Thomas Hood (1799-1845)
Talk like that would make any lady's heart swoon, sir.

"Although I believe affection and romance should be shown all year round, it's always smart to have a good plan up your sleeve for Valentine's Day."
Author Aberjhani
I agree. What's so significant about one specific day when you love someone with all your heart and soul 24/7 every day of the year?
Of course, you've got to remember to tell your significant other you love them on a regular basis too.

A comment on winter
"What I find most disturbing about Valentine's Day is that, I get you have to have a holiday for love. After all, there's a day for just about everything else. But in the height of flu season? That makes no sense."
Comedian Lewis Black
Well, I'll concede the weather could be nicer. We're in the middle of a barrage of winter storms in my neck of the woods right now.

"What is love? It's a many splendored thing. It makes the world go 'round. It will keep us together. It's all you need. Love doesn't make sense. That's why Earthlings think it's so wonderful."
Mork (Robin Williams) trying to explain love to Orson, his superior; during the Mork and Mindy episode "Mork in Love" (season 1, episode 5)

In the end, no matter what one might think on the subject, the positive aspects of love (and life) need to be experienced to be fully enjoyed.
So I hope you and yours have a happy Valentine's Day, and the rest of the year together; and please be back here with us next weekend for more Sunday Funnies.—AtP.

Celebrity images courtesy of Wikipedia's public domain file sharing system. All other images are via generic clip art programs.

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