Two separate items have at least one word in common, and can be combined to form a new phrase. Based upon the clue below, do you know what the new item is?
The Jerk, as portrayed by Ed Grimley?
Whatever your response to the clue below is, every word within it must rhyme.
A high ranking lawyer/barrister.
We'll reveal all next weekend, but for now, let's open up THE ANSWERS BOX and discover the results of the July 25, 2015 Puzzle Corner.
Jackie Robinson is known as the first athlete to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball, playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers starting in 1947.
But who was the second player to get through that barrier?
Larry Doby signed with the Cleveland Indians on July 5, 1947, 81 days after Robinson signed with the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Something famous is represented by the image below.
Do you know what it is?
The image on the left is a fanciful illustration of Putting On The Ritz.
The song was originally composed by Irving Berlin in 1929.
Courtesy of YouTube, a flash mob performs the number in Moscow in 2012.
While I do not understand any Russian, the performance looks like ti was staged as part of somebody's wedding to me.
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